Network as a Service. Research Institutions in Digital Social and Cultural studies and Humanities

24.01.2025, 13:00-16:00

Weizenbaum-Institut, Hardenbergstraße 32, 10623 Berlin


Organized by:
IC D2MCM + Weizenbaum Institute

Register here:
Register via form by 20th of Dec 2024


Network as a Service. Research Institutions in Digital Social and Cultural studies and Humanities Berlin/Brandenburg

Research Institutions in Digital Social and Cultural studies and Humanities: RIDSCH Networking Meeting

Networking is the central building block of many of our teams, centers, and facilities. We perceive Network as a Service as a community task at our second networking event, which we address in two main focuses:

  1. We exchange best practices on networking strategies and measures, including their organizational, capacity, and thematic frameworks.
  2. As a community, we collaboratively create a hands-on calendar platform to make our networking activities visible and accessible to all. (Track 1: Design, Track 2: Development)

Registration: Form by 20th of Dec 2024.


Slot Topic
13:00-13:15 Welcome
13:15-14:00 Best Practices Network as a Service
14:00-14:30 Break
14:30-14:45 Presentation Collabortive Event Calendar of the IC D2MCM
14:45-15:45 Track 1 Design: What are the requirements for a shared calendar?
  Track 2 Implementation: How can we expand the IZ D2MCM approach for RIDSCH?
14:45-16:00 Wrap and next steps

Newsletter of the network: RIDSCH Berlin means Research Institutions in Digital Social and Cultural studies and Humanities Berlin/Brandenburg. Contact for registration.